morgon stress...? "F

Tjenare bloggen!

Kom precis på att jag var tvungen att ha texten på sin favorit låt eftersom vi skulle översätta den på engelskan idag... :S så nu får jag lägga upp den här så jag kan kopiera över den. :D

Om ni märker några fel, så struntar jag i det, jag kan ändra det sedan och om du ska använda den så får du skylla dig själv. :D Jag vet tex inte hur många Cullen det ska vara på slutet... men jaja. nu kommer den :D

Edward Cullen Song.

In twilight this guy I know, the palest skin you ever saw, all the girls still want him though and now you know. I wanna be like Edward Cullen.

I wanna be Edward Cullen. Oh, wish I could be Edward Cullen.

Wish I could be Cul-len, wish that I could get all the girls, yo. Didin’t have to breat, didin’t have to eat food, and ofc I want to read everybody’s thoughts.

I wanna sparkle in the light and drive av VOLVO, and honestly I wanna play the piano. Althought it would stuck to never turn 18, Cause I know pedofiles will try to rape me. I wanna say that Dracula is my Homie, be a vegetarian eaven thought I eat meat. Wanna say that Carlisle is my daddy. That’s such an awesome name they’ll will be jealous of me.

In twilight this guy I know, the palest skin you ever saw, all the girls still want him though and now you know. I wanna be like Edward Cullen.

I wanna be Edward Cullen. Oh, wish I could be Edward Cullen.

Wish I Could be in Dr.Cullens familyy and the olympic coven, then Edward Could be my brethren. And he can tell me how to be more like him.

Jasper end Emmett are so cool alsow, and Alice is like Katy Perry, hot and cold. Don’t wanna be near Rosalie, thought, Case I a thing be around A-holes.

I’d run and tell Edward to leav Bella please, it’s obvious she much rater be with me and if he says no, then Ill have to agree Cause honestly he Could beat the crap out of me.

In twilight this guy I know, the palest skin you ever saw, all the girls still want him though and now you know. I wanna be like Edward Cullen.

I wanna be Edward Cullen. Oh, wish I could be Edward Cullen.

Walkin. Walkin, Walking’s DUMBS, wish I Could do the Edward run, then I would be real Quick too, and I Colud get home at time fore scooby doo.

If I was edward I would be a milion times hotter then he Could ever be, and james would be afraid of me! I would live hapily if I Cold read people’s tohughts, i wanna have edward Cullens life, i wanna graduate a thousand times. Just like in twilight.

In twilight this guy I know, the palest skin you ever saw, all the girls still want him though and now you know. I wanna be like Edward Cullen.

I wanna be Edward Cullen. Oh, wish I could be Edward Cullen.

Cullen, Cullen, Cullen, Cullen, Cullen, oh Cullen, oh Cull- oh Cull- oh Cullen oh Cullen oh Cullen, Cullen, Cullen oh Cullen.

Japp det var det. <3

Kram en morgontrött Frida (:

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