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Här kommer det underbara brevet Bella skriver till Edward!, från "Twilight"
I love you. Im so sorry. He has my mom, and I have to try.
I know it may not work. I am so very, very sorry.
Don´t be angry wiht Alice and Jasper. If I get away from them it will be a miracle.
Tell them thank you for me: Alice especilly, please.
And pleas, pleas don´t come after him. That´s what he wants.
I can´t bear if anyone has to be hurt because of me, especially you.
Pleas, this is the one thing I can ask you now.
Fore me.
I love you. Forgive me.
ja, det rör verkligen hjärtat... <3
Kramar Frida
Åhhh :/ <33
haha nämen kolla vem som komenterar igen va!? :D
om inte the best of them aaaalll ? ahahahha seriöst, jag vet inte ens va jag ska skriva ? -.-
justde, jättee fint brev till han dära bleka men assa, vf skicka brev när det fins sms, mobiler o datorer ? ahahahha SKOJJA -.- <3